package com.rapidminer.operator.RatingPrediction;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import com.rapidminer.RatingPrediction.IIterativeModel;
import com.rapidminer.eval.RatingEval;
import com.rapidminer.matrixUtils.MatrixUtils;
import com.rapidminer.matrixUtils.VectorUtils;
import com.rapidminer.operator.Annotations;
import com.rapidminer.operator.IOObject;
import com.rapidminer.operator.Operator;
import com.rapidminer.operator.ports.OutputPort;
import com.rapidminer.operator.ports.ProcessingStep;
*Copyright (C) 2010 Zeno Gantner, Steffen Rendle, Christoph Freudenthaler
*Copyright (C) 2011 Zeno Gantner
*This file is originally part of MyMediaLite.
*Ported by Matej Mihelcic (Ru�er Bo�kovi� Institute) 28.07.2011
public class MatrixFactorization extends RatingPredictor implements IIterativeModel{
static final long serialVersionUID=3453434;
/// <summary>Matrix containing the latent user factors</summary>
protected Matrix user_factors;
/// <summary>Matrix containing the latent item factors</summary>
protected Matrix item_factors;
/// <summary>The bias (global average)</summary>
protected double global_bias;
/// <summary>Mean of the normal distribution used to initialize the factors</summary>
public double InitMean;
/// <summary>Standard deviation of the normal distribution used to initialize the factors</summary>
public double InitStdev;
/// <summary>Number of latent factors</summary>
public int NumFactors;
/// <summary>Learn rate</summary>
public double LearnRate;
/// <summary>Regularization parameter</summary>
public double Regularization;
/// <summary>Number of iterations over the training data</summary>
public int NumIter;
public int GetNumIter(){
return NumIter;
/// <summary>Default constructor</summary>
public MatrixFactorization()
// set default values
Regularization = 0.015;
LearnRate = 0.01;
NumIter = 30;
InitStdev = 0.1;//0.4
NumFactors = 10;
/// <summary>Initialize the model data structure</summary>
protected void InitModel()
// init factor matrices
user_factors = new Matrix(GetRatings().GetMaxUserID() + 1, NumFactors);
item_factors = new Matrix(GetRatings().GetMaxItemID() + 1, NumFactors);
MatrixUtils.RowInitNormal(user_factors, InitMean, InitStdev);
MatrixUtils.RowInitNormal(item_factors, InitMean, InitStdev);
public void Train()
// learn model parameters
global_bias = GetRatings().Average();
LearnFactors(GetRatings().RandomIndex(), true, true);
public void Iterate()
Iterate(GetRatings().RandomIndex(), true, true);
/// <summary>Updates the latent factors on a user</summary>
/// <param name="user_id">the user ID</param>
public void RetrainUser(int user_id)
if (UpdateUsers)
MatrixUtils.RowInitNormal(user_factors, InitMean, InitStdev, user_id);
LearnFactors(GetRatings().ByUser().get((int)user_id), true, false);
/// <summary>Updates the latent factors of an item</summary>
/// <param name="item_id">the item ID</param>
public void RetrainItem(int item_id)
if (UpdateItems)
MatrixUtils.RowInitNormal(item_factors, InitMean, InitStdev, item_id);
LearnFactors(GetRatings().ByItem().get((int)item_id), false, true);
public int AddRatings(List<Integer> users, List<Integer> items, List<Double> ratings){
return 1;
super.AddRatings(users, items, ratings);
return 1;
public void RetrainUsers(List<Integer> users){
for(int i=0;i<users.size();i++)
public void RetrainItems(List<Integer> items){
for(int i=0;i<items.size();i++)
/// <summary>Iterate once over rating data and adjust corresponding factors (stochastic gradient descent)</summary>
/// <param name="rating_indices">a list of indices pointing to the ratings to iterate over</param>
/// <param name="update_user">true if user factors to be updated</param>
/// <param name="update_item">true if item factors to be updated</param>
protected void Iterate(List<Integer> rating_indices, boolean update_user, boolean update_item)
for(int i1=0;i1<rating_indices.size();i1++){
int index=rating_indices.get(i1);
int u = ratings.GetUsers().get(index);
int i = ratings.GetItems().get(index);
double p = Predict(u, i, false);
double err = ratings.GetValues(index) - p;
// Adjust factors
for (int f = 0; f < NumFactors; f++)
double u_f = user_factors.getLocation(u, f);
double i_f = item_factors.getLocation(i, f);
// compute factor updates
double delta_u = err * i_f - Regularization * u_f;
double delta_i = err * u_f - Regularization * i_f;
// if necessary, apply updates
if (update_user)
MatrixUtils.Inc(user_factors, u, f, LearnRate * delta_u);
if (update_item)
MatrixUtils.Inc(item_factors, i, f, LearnRate * delta_i);
private void LearnFactors(List<Integer> rating_indices, boolean update_user, boolean update_item)
for (int current_iter = 0; current_iter < NumIter; current_iter++)
Iterate(rating_indices, update_user, update_item);
protected double Predict(int user_id, int item_id, boolean bound)
double result = global_bias + MatrixUtils.RowScalarProduct(user_factors, user_id, item_factors, item_id);
if (bound)
if (result > GetMaxRating())
return GetMaxRating();
if (result < GetMinRating())
return GetMinRating();
return result;
/// <summary>Predict the rating of a given user for a given item</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// If the user or the item are not known to the recommender, the global average is returned.
/// To avoid this behavior for unknown entities, use CanPredict() to check before.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="user_id">the user ID</param>
/// <param name="item_id">the item ID</param>
/// <returns>the predicted rating</returns>
public double Predict(int user_id, int item_id)
if (user_id >= user_factors.dim1)
return global_bias;
if (item_id >= item_factors.dim1)
return global_bias;
return Predict(user_id, item_id, true);
public void AddRating(int user_id, int item_id, double rating)
super.AddRating(user_id, item_id, rating);
public void UpdateRating(int user_id, int item_id, double rating)
super.UpdateRating(user_id, item_id, rating);
public void RemoveRating(int user_id, int item_id)
super.RemoveRating(user_id, item_id);
protected void AddUser(int user_id)
user_factors.AddRows(user_id + 1);
protected void AddItem(int item_id)
item_factors.AddRows(item_id + 1);
public void AddUsers(List<Integer> users){
public void AddItems(List<Integer> items){
public void RemoveUser(int user_id)
// set user factors to zero
user_factors.SetRowToOneValue(user_id, 0);
public void RemoveItem(int item_id)
// set item factors to zero
item_factors.SetRowToOneValue(item_id, 0);
public void SaveModel(String filename)
public void LoadModel(String filename)
public double ComputeFit()
return RatingEval.Evaluate(this, ratings).get("RMSE");
/// <summary>Compute the regularized loss</summary>
/// <returns>the regularized loss</returns>
public double ComputeLoss()
double loss = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ratings.Count(); i++)
int user_id = ratings.GetUsers().get(i);
int item_id = ratings.GetItems().get(i);
loss += Math.pow(Predict(user_id, item_id) - ratings.GetValues(i), 2);
for (int u = 0; u <= MaxUserID; u++)
loss += ratings.CountByUser()[u] * Regularization * Math.pow(VectorUtils.EuclideanNorm(user_factors.GetRow(u)), 2);
for (int i = 0; i <= MaxItemID; i++)
loss += ratings.CountByItem()[i] * Regularization * Math.pow(VectorUtils.EuclideanNorm(item_factors.GetRow(i)), 2);
return loss;
public String ToString()
return String.format(/*CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,*/
"MatrixFactorization num_factors={0} regularization={1} learn_rate={2} num_iter={3} init_mean={4} init_stdev={5}",
NumFactors, Regularization, LearnRate, NumIter, InitMean, InitStdev);
private String source = null;
/** The current working operator. */
private transient LoggingHandler loggingHandler;
private transient LinkedList<ProcessingStep> processingHistory = new LinkedList<ProcessingStep>();
/** Sets the source of this IOObject. */
public void setSource(String sourceName) {
this.source = sourceName;
/** Returns the source of this IOObject (might return null if the source is unknown). */
public String getSource() {
return source;
public void appendOperatorToHistory(Operator operator, OutputPort port) {
if (processingHistory == null) {
processingHistory = new LinkedList<ProcessingStep>();
if (operator.getProcess() != null)
processingHistory.add(new ProcessingStep(operator, port));
ProcessingStep newStep = new ProcessingStep(operator, port);
if (operator.getProcess() != null && (processingHistory.isEmpty() || !processingHistory.getLast().equals(newStep))) {
public List<ProcessingStep> getProcessingHistory() {
if (processingHistory == null)
processingHistory = new LinkedList<ProcessingStep>();
return processingHistory;
/** Gets the logging associated with the operator currently working on this
* IOObject or the global log service if no operator was set. */
public LoggingHandler getLog() {
if (this.loggingHandler != null) {
return this.loggingHandler;
} else {
return LogService.getGlobal();
/** Sets the current working operator, i.e. the operator which is currently
* working on this IOObject. This might be used for example for logging. */
public void setLoggingHandler(LoggingHandler loggingHandler) {
this.loggingHandler = loggingHandler;
* Returns not a copy but the very same object. This is ok for IOObjects
* which cannot be altered after creation. However, IOObjects which might be
* changed (e.g. {@link com.rapidminer.example.ExampleSet}s) should
* overwrite this method and return a proper copy.
public IOObject copy() {
return this;
protected void initWriting() {}
public Annotations getAnnotations(){
Annotations temp=new Annotations();
return temp;